Meaning and meaning extension in Kiswahili: a case study of the verb PIGA
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It is common to find that in language a word has more than one meaning, one basic and the other ‘extended’ or ‘idiomatic’. In this study, we intensively examine the various meanings associated with the verb PIGA. Inn chapter, one several preliminaries are dealt with including statement of the problem, objectives and significance of the study, hypotheses of the research as well as the research methodology. Chapter two is a review of related literature in which there is also an elaboration of the notions of extended and or extended meanings of the verb PIGA. In chapter three, I present and discuses field as well as documentary data collected for the research. Chapter four examines the nature and range of noun that combine with the verb PIGA to produce idiomatic expressions and meanings associated with this verb. The final chapter is a summary of the findings of the research