Coping with the challenges of evangelization in a plural setting: experiences of the white fathers in Buha and Unyamwezi, 1878-1978

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study is about the challenges of evangelisation and coping strategies in a plural setting that the White Fathers encountered in Buha and Unyamwezi from 1878 to 1978. The study has employed a comparative approach to analyse the challenges and the adopted coping strategies in the two regions which have variegated cultural and ethnic backgrounds. It has relied on archival and oral data and eventually has come up with three general findings. First of all, the concept of the Supreme Being was already in the minds of the Baha and Banyamwezi prior to the onset of Christianity and Islam. They knew and invoked him in different names depending on a particular environment. In order to maintain the harmonious relationship between the two, taboos and punishments were set up to regulate the day to day undertakings of the people. Secondly, the challenges of evangelisation and coping strategies stemmed from different forces and occurred in different periods. Such challenges came from African traditional religions, Muslims, Protestant missionaries and the colonial state and shaped the coping strategies adopted by the White Fathers to address the problems. Finally, the influence of African traditional religions in Buha and Unyamwezi remained unresolved question and constituted the main challenge to the White Fathers throughout the period [1878-1978]. Results from this study indicate the convergent-divergent tendencies of the Baha and Banyamwezi when they encountered Christianity. The problem persisted even when Christianity had established itself in the region. In response to Vatican II, the White Fathers adopted some elements of the traditional religions. Nonetheless, the majority of the potential converts could at some point be found among the members of the traditional religions.
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Challenges of evangelization, plural setting, experiences of the white fathers, Buha and Unyamwezi, 1878-1978
Nyanto, S.S (2012), Coping with the challenges of evangelization in a plural setting: experiences of the white fathers in Buha and Unyamwezi, 1878-1978 , master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at()