Zambian humanism
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Department of Extra Mural Studies
Having thought over our discussion of the other evening, I feel that it might be useful to attempt to put into words ray philosophy of life* It seems to me that when the people place great power in a leader's hands they have a right to know the code of values in terms of which he will exercise it. But I am no armchair philosopher. The whole of my adult life has been taken up with the freedom struggle in Africa. The political arena rather than the library has been my workplace* 411 my thinking has been done on the march except for a period when I had a certain amount of time for reflection whilst e. guest of Her Majesty in some of the best prisons in Central Africa.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, (EAF FOS K16.Z3)
Humanism, Zambian
Kaunda, Kenneth(1967). The university of Zambia department of extra-mural studies