Use of the village as a basic planning unit: a case study of four villages in Mbulu district, Arusha

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University of Dar es Salaam
The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether villagization and decentralization of the administrative structure in Tanzania has had any influence on the rural development planning structure. It aims at finding out the extent to which the villages are able to plan and implement their own projects. It further investigates whether there has been a qualitative change of the village plans over the period (between 1975/76 and 1979/80). To get this information the, researcher had to live in each of the villages for two weeks. This enabled him to participate fully in the village activities and to get a fist-hand information of what was going on in the villages. The study also required the use of questionnaires to the people directly involved in rural development planning at the regional, districts, ward and village level. For the people who couldn't read we interviewed them. The methodology used in our research together with the hypothesis are in chapter one. We also give our data analysis, plan and the definition of terms commonly used in our study. Chapter two is basically concerned with the literature review. In this chapter we identify different views taken by different people on peasants and their development. Chapter three is actually the continuation of chapter two and it gives us the conceptual framework on planning in down to the planning at the village level. the definition of the villages in Tanzania the end we give a brief description of the the four villages of our study, general and narrows It also gives context. Towards salient features of our study. Chapter four deals with the data obtained from the field work analyses it and towards the end put our three hypotheses to test. Chapter five is on the conclusions and recommendations, based on the data analysis in chapter four. In Chapter five we conclude that there has been improvement in the nature of planning and plans themselves at the village level. We conclude that more people participate in village development planning than was the case in 1975/76.
Available in print form
Villages, Economic policy, Arusha, Tanzania
Mwasha, R. P (1981) Use of the village as a basic planning unit: a case study of four villages in Mbulu district, Arusha, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (