The teaching of science in primary schools, its relevance and application to pupils' lives in Tanzania a case study in Kinondoni district.

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study "The Teaching of Primary School Science, its Relevance and Application", conducted at Mavurunza, Mlimani and Msewe schools in Kinondoni district, aimed at investigating and exploring how science is taught, understood and applied by the learners in everyday lives. Aspects such as how PS teachers understand the science curriculum objectives, content, TL strategies in terms of the science content taught and learned, the relevance of science to pupils focusing on STL resources and process. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. Questionnaire, Interview guide, FGD and Observation were used in data collection. The study was guided by the conceptual framework for primary school science teaching and learning, which argues that trained teachers, pupils, TL facilities, pedagogy, content and conducive TL environment are the major aspects for effective STL. The major findings from the study illustrated that science teachers have limited understanding of the curriculum they use and consequently fail to deliver Competence Based STL. No specialization and motivation of the staff dealing with science subject. There is lack of STL resources, thus teachers find some contents difficult to teach. This situation adversely affects the use of active participatory learning by doing which results into teacher-centred science teaching, learning and assessment. Teachers use traditional approach in teaching and do not create interactive science learning environment. Science becomes less meaningful to pupils, who do not develop skills, knowledge and attitudes to tackle problems scientifically. It is recommended that, students with good performance in science should be enrolled and specialize in PS science subject at the teachers' college. Teachers should be motivated and given in-service training. STL facilities should be bought while others can be improvised by the trained teachers in school. The study concludes that, science teaching, learning, understanding and application will be improved if the government will take serious steps to train competent teachers capable of implementing the revised science curriculum.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB1585.5.T34C4757)
Science, Primary schools, Study and teaching (Primary), Kinondoni district, Tanzania
Christopher, V.(2010) The teaching of science in primary schools, its relevance and application to pupils' lives in Tanzania a case study in Kinondoni district. Master dissertation, university of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.