Competitive tendering practices and value for money: the case of local government authorities in Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania.
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study investigated competitive tendering practices and VFM in LGAs in the context of Tanzania, with the following specific objectives: to identify different tendering practices adopted in awarding tender contracts in LGAs, to determine to what extent are the tendering practices competitive enough in line with available standards and lastly to determine the effects of competitive tendering on VFM. Study utilized both primary and secondary data and were collected by using questionnaire and documentation. A total of 50 respondents from two Districts (Ilala and Kinondoni) were used as sample size. Data was analysed by descriptive analysis for demographic features of respondents and variables plus regression analysis to test the strength of relationship between independent and dependent variables.The findings indicated that the two districts used competitive tendering rather than single or sole source and applied through open tender. Among the three independent variables (openness, transparency and fairness), openness had the strongest explanatory power for VFM. This means, adhering to these principles will minimize project costs by using minimum resources and investments. It was concluded and recommended that LGAs should provide more education to its staff on the concept of VFM. Among others, study recommended areas for further research to include more LGAs, not only two but more from other regions and zones. Respondents’ perceptions towards competitive tendering and VFM imply policy makers need to further review how concepts of competitiveness and VFM are redefined.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HG203.T34L834)
Money, Finance, Competitive tendering, Value, Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania
Luhikula, D. (2018). Competitive tendering practices and value for money: the case of local government authorities in Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.