The utility of mediators in conflict resolution in Africa: a case of Burundi peace talks.

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University of Dar es Salaam
Conflicts are becoming a defining feature of African politics as well as African international relations. The end of cold war brought with it a shifting attention of African affairs by the international community at large and the superpowers in particular. Perhaps for this reason conflicts in Rwanda and Burundi were left to degenerate into deadly scales in the early 1990s. The increased importance of Africa getting highly involved in its own affairs was seriously being felt following 'Afro-pessimism' that preceded the cold war. The Burundi Peace Talks have set a precedent on future involvement of Africa in the resolution of its conflicts. While the Burundi Peace Talks received worldwide support, the initiative, management and ideation behind resolution was African. The signing of the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement for Burundi on 28 August 2000 marked a significant stage of success both to mediators as well as to the region in their effort towards conflict resolution in Burundi. With the continued unwavering support of the international community to the search for peace in Burundi, there is increased hope for the final settlement of the conflict. This study makes a suggestion that the model of conflict resolution in Burundi of involving prominent Africans as mediators in conflict resolution, with a close backing of the region should be replicated to other parts of Africa that are rife with conflicts: The Sudan, Angola, Liberia, The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sierra-Leone.
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Conflict management, Conflict resolution, Mediation, Peace, Burundi, Africa
Ramadhani, L. (2002). The utility of mediators in conflict resolution in Africa: a case of Burundi peace talks. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (