Analyzing community engagement in institutionalizing climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives: a case study of yovi hydropower project in Kilosa district, Tanzania



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University of Dar es Salaam


The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of engaging rural communities in the process of institutionalizing climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives, focusing on the process of engagement and communication and to learn how strongly community people are rationally and emotionally committed to the issues of renewable energy. The study was conducted among 100 respondents drawn from communities of Kilosa District, along with interviews with key stakeholders at village, district and national levels. Based on grounded theory, the study utilized qualitative method and techniques to design, collect and analyze the data. The study found that in the case of the Yovi hydropower project, community people were more informed than engaged during the institutionalization of the hydropower project. While the project proponents were able to communicate to villagers through district and village leaders, there were insufficient platforms and required capacities for the village leaders to engage effectively with the citizens about the project. It was also noted that the processes of engagement and communication could not effectively help the community residents understand the purpose of the project, so they were unable to link it with climate change adaptation and mitigation. This raises a critical question: what was the purpose of engaging community people to institutionalize climate change in this hydropower project? This is important to know when institutionalizing climate change projects to involve, collaborate with and empower various actors and villagers at the local level so that their voices are actually heard and they can influence the decisions and actions.


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF QC981.8.C5T34T46)


Yovi hydropower project, Climatic change, Tanzania, Kilosa district


Tenga, B. (2016) Analyzing community engagement in institutionalizing climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives: a case study of yovi hydropower project in Kilosa district, Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam