Appraisal of the internal workings of NGOs impliementing AIDS educational progr4ammes in Tanzania: a case study of Bukoba Urban District
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University of Dar es Salaam
The purpose of the study was to appraise the internal workings of NGOs implementing AIDS educational programmes in Tanzania taking Bukoba Urban District as a case study. Five variables assumed to be influencing the performance of NGOs were investigated these being legal socio-cultural conditions; resource allocation and utilization; programme administration; clients participation and anticipated programme outcomes. Stufflebeam’s CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model guided the study at the conceptual level and collection of data. The research instruments included questionnaire, interview schedule and documentary review which were pilot tested before data collection. The study encountered two major limitations namely, difficulties in collecting data from NGOs staff who travelled frequently and problems in obtaining some data due to poor record keeping. The findings showed that, two out of three NGOs were registered. This guarannced staff, adequate physical and instructional materials. However, the study revealed several weaknesses. These included: detrimental social mores, over-dependence on donor resources, unacceptable and outdated information, general and in-quantifiable objectives, failure to involve clients in decisions related to technical and financial matters and poor storage of data. It is recommended that the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) should produce desired instructional materials and promulgate a “Peer Model” suitable for peer instructional participation. Furthermore, NGOs should identify and eradicate inhibiting social mores, mobilize local resources, enhance administration effectiveness, and involve clients in technical and financial matters. For further research it is recommended that a study be conducted on conflicting information communicated by non-religious and religious NGOs to clients the claim that the availability of condoms encourages “promiscuity” and the best ways to involve clients in NGOs AIDS educational programmes.
Available in print form, EAF Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF SB211.C3T34M3258)
Cassava, Climate changes, Coastal areas, Mkuranga District, Tanzania
Lugaimbila, N.D (1997) Appraisal of the internal workings of NGOs impliementing AIDS educational progr4ammes in Tanzania: a case study of Bukoba Urban District, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam