Assessment of in-services training programmes for improving primary school teachers’ teaching skills in Dodoma municipality in Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study assessed in-service training programmes for improving primary school teachers’ teaching skills in Dodoma municipality in Tanzania. The study was guided by four objectives which included to : (i) Explore the in-service training course contents offered to primary school teachers and their relevance in improving teaching skills (ii) Identify the types of in-service trainings offered in primary school teachers in Dodoma municipality i(ii) Examine the extent teachers apply the knowledge gained from in-service trainings and (iv) Find out challenges facing the provision of in-service training to primary school teachers in Dodoma municipality. The study employed conceptual framework namely input, process and Output (IPO) Evaluation model by David Bushnell (1990). Qualitative research approach was employed with the use of case study design. Through purposive sampling procedure 25 teachers , 5 heads of schools and 2 Educational officials as well as 5 schools were selected. Data were collected through interviews, non-participant observation and documentary review. Data were analyzed using content analysis, where also direct quotations and tables were used to present data. The findings revealed that, in-service training course contents offered to primary school teachers included; participatory teaching methods, reading, writing and arithmetic (3Rs); Mathematics, English and Kiswahili subjects. The study revealed seminars and workshops as the common type of in-service training programmes offered to primary school teachers in Dodoma municipality. Moreover, majority of teachers failed to apply knowledge gained from in-service training. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology should organize in-service trainings to carter for all subjects learned in primary schools. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology should accommodate long term in-service training programmes improve teaching skills among primary school teachers in Dodoma municipality. The ministry of Education, Science and Technology should help teachers to apply effectively the knowledge gained. There should be feedback mechanism to monitor the trainings offered. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology should set apart sufficient budgets for in-service training. The study recommends that another similar study to be conducted to other places in Tanzania. Other similar study should be conducted to other places in Tanzania. Other similar study should be conducted using quantitative or mixed methods which will include big population to assess in-service training programmes using a different approach.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF LB 1775.8T34M373)
Primary school teachers, In- Services training, Study and teaching, Dodoma municipality, Tanzania
Maseda, S (2019) Assessment of in-services training programmes for improving primary school teachers’ teaching skills in Dodoma municipality in Tanzania, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.