The effectiveness of information and communication technologies in promoting and disseminating information to users at the museum and house of culture

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University of Dar es Salaam
The main objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Information and Communication Technologies in promoting and disseminating information to users at the Museum and House of Culture (MHC). Spesifically it sought to: identify information and communication channels used, examine the application of ICT in online and onsite museum services, examine the patterns of ICT used and to find out challenges faced in application of ICT in promoting and disseminating information to users. The sample size for this research was 75 (51 staff 24 and museum users). Data for this study were collected through documentary review, questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussion and observation. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS while qualitative data were content analysed. The findings revealed that MHC uses various channels of communication and that electronic and computerized communication channels were preferred by majority of respondents. Various challenges faced in using ICT at the Museum included inadequate skills, inadequate funds, technological obsolescence and technophobia among staff. The study concludes that MHC uses various channels of communication and that it uses different ICTs in its operations. However, communication links at MHC have a lot of weaknesses and challenges. This study recommends formulation of Museum Information and ICT Policy, to have in place staff development plan, as well as increasing public awareness on museum potentiality.
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Museum Libraries, Selective dissemination of information, Information services, Computer networks, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Fredy, S. (2013) The effectiveness of information and communication technologies in promoting and disseminating information to users at the museum and house of culture, Masters’ dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam Available at (