Teachers and students perceptions on the use of project-based method in teaching and learning of chemistry in selected ordinary level secondary schools in Kinondoni Municipality

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study was connected to promote to explore teachers and students perceptions on the use of project-based method in teaching and learning of chemistry in selected ordinary level secondary schools in Kinondoni Municipality. The study was guided by four research objectives which were to; analyse chemistry teachers’ views about the use of project-based method, examine chemistry teachers and students on classroom practices that reflects the implementation of project-based method, to examine challenges of implementing project-based method in teaching chemistry using project based method. The study employed qualitative research approach and a multiple case study design. Thus study was conducted in Dar es Salaam Region specifically Kinondoni Municipality. A total number of 59 informants were selected from 10 secondary schools to be interviewed, where 8 were academic masters/mistress, 9 chemistry teachers and 42 students. Data were collected using interviews, classroom observation, and documentary review, and focus group discussions. The data were analysed using thematic analysis. The study findings indicated that chemistry teachers had positive views about the potentials of project-based method in enhancing students learning of chemistry; conversely, findings also revealed that chemistry teachers received inadequate training in teachers training for teachers hinders effective use of project based method; moreover, lack of in-service training for teachers hinders effective use of project based method. Furthermore, study findings show that students were not able to describe how teacher’s classroom practices reflects problem based method; nevertheless, students were able to express their feelings when their chemistry teachers employed learning by doing especially when they relate with what they practice in their views with regarding the challenges faced by chemistry teachers during implementation of project based method, these were: Teacher’s inadequate knowledge and skills, inadequate relevant resources and shortage of funds for employing project based method and perceived project based as time consuming methods. The study concluded that project based method is rarely employed in teaching and learning of chemistry in the sampled schools; as a result it is recommended that teachers training colleges must emphasize in learning by doing rather teaching theoretically.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF QD 49.5.T34 A56)
Chemistry, Study and teaching, Education, Secondary, Teachers, Students, Perceptions, Kinondoni, Tanzania
Alphonce, A ( 2020) Teachers and students perceptions on the use of project-based method in teaching and learning of chemistry in selected ordinary level secondary schools in Kinondoni Municipality, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.