Extent of compliance to public procurement act and regulations: A survey of selected water supply and sewerage Authorities of Arusha, Babati and Moshi

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University of Dar es Salaam
The extent of compliance to Public Procurement Act number 21 of 2004 and it is regulations of 2005 in Urban Water Supply utilities are still questionable. In order to elucidate more light of this area the researcher examines the extent of compliance to Public Procurement Act to water utilities of Arusha, Babati and Moshi. The researcher used both qualitative (narrative) and quantitative approach in analyzing data. On quantitative the programme of SPSS was used and the primary data from questionnaires were categorical, hence results of percentage, Chi-Squire and P-Value were shown from dependent and independent variables. The results showed that extent of compliance with Public Procurement Acts and its regulations was in a low going motion in procuring entities and suppliers/ and service providers. Procurement Management Units was not established in Arusha Urban Water Supply utility as per section 35 of the Act. However the PMU of Moshi was working as a committee contrary to functions in the Act sections 36. Only PMU of Babati was established as per Requirement. Inspection Committee of goods and services were not well established as per Government notice number 97 regulations 122, 126 and 127. The Major aim would be for public interest to increase transparency in use of Government resources in order to obtain value for money.
Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD39.5.K66)
Government purchasing, Law and legislation, Water Supply and Sewarage Authority, Arusha, Babati, Moshi, Tanzania
Kondela, C.I (2008) Extent of compliance to public procurement act and regulations: A survey of selected water supply and sewerage Authorities of Arusha, Babati and Moshi.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.