Factors influencing customer satisfaction with service delivery in government agencies: the case of Tanzania food and drugs authority (TFDA), Dar es Salaam

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University of Dar es Salaam
Tanzania went through various reforms to cope with changes which are taking place in the world. Top respond to this, the Government of Tanzania enacted a law to formulate executive agencies geared enhancing efficiencies and effectiveness in the provision of public services and TFDI being among them. The role of TFID is to product and promote public health by ensuring quality, safety and effectiveness of food, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices. TFID was formed to strengthen the food and drugs control system following ineffectiveness of previous boards the previous boards were performed below customers expectations. TFID was meandered to improve the situation together with regulating the quality and safety of connections and medical devices which were grievously net regulated by any institutions. This study sought to determine the factors that influences customer satisfaction and services quality was used. That was possible through a sample survey of 100 different customers of TFID. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for social sciences(SPSS). One sample Kolmogorov-smirrow (KS) and Chi-squire tests were need to test hypotheses. The study revealed several factors that determine customers satisfaction. These determinants include empathy, reliability, tangibles and responsiveness of TFID to the seeds of its customers. For better performance, TFDA is advised to focus on improving all the opportunities around the determinants of customer satisfaction. T is also recommended to satisfy employees first who are internal customers, to promote on the use of the set Standard Operating procedures (SOPs) for delivering services that are sought by TFDA customers, to review TFDA services Charter and to inform customers on existing services.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark (THS EAF HF5415.5.S55)
Consumer satisfaction, Administrative agencies, Government agencies, Customer service, Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA), Dar es Salaam
Simwanza, G (2008) Factors influencing customer satisfaction with service delivery in government agencies: the case of Tanzania food and drugs authority (TFDA) Dar es Salaam, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam