Performance of alternative energy sources in supporting REDD+ implementation in Zanzibar.
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The study was undertaken to assess the performance of two HIMA alternative energy sources interventions to drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and leakage strategy: (a) improving fuel efficiency through Improved Cooking Stoves (ICS ) in Zanzibar rural and (b) fuel switching to free Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPL;) distribution in Zanzibar urban. The results attained through data analysis of questionnaire information using SPSS showed that 67% of respondents that purchased ICS in Zanzibar rural and 73% of respondents that received free LPG in Zanzibar Urban continued to use the sources. However, alternative energy sources usage were in combination with traditional cooking energy sources chiefly fuel wood and charcoal in Zanzibar rural and urban respectively. Chi-square and Fisher's exact test revealed that the usage of Altman+. c map sources was influenced by the positive perception and affordability of the energy sources, while education, marital status and family size, conversely showed no influence on the usage. This study concludes that the adoption of alternative energy sources and complete fuel switching will be achieved through holistic approach. It's therefore crucial to raising awareness on the importance and benefits of alternative energy, access to information and knowledge of alternative energy and energy policy reform through clean energy sources tax reforms and fuel subsidies. It is imperative to continue and promote programs and strategies that aim to improve community livelihoods and income as the use of biomass is inextricably baked with poverty.