Assessing adaptive capacity to climate change among smallholder farmers in Bunda district, Tanzania



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University of Dar es Salaam


This study was designed to assess the adaptive capacity to climate change among smallholder farmers in Bunda District, in two villages, namely Bulamba and Kabainja. The study used a mixed approach, but mainly dominated by qualitative approach and complemented with quantitative elements. The objectives of the study were to: explore the extent farmers perceive and experience climate change in the area; find out various effects of climate change in the area as perceived by the farmers; determine adjustment strategies adopted by the farmers and investigated how farmers’ interaction with social institutions. Data were collected from eighty nine (89) mixed farmers randomly selected from the study area, using household survey. Other means namely key informants interview, focus group discussion, field observations and secondary data review were used to collect the data. Results show that most of the farmers (100) were in arrangement that the climate is changing in the area and that changes in rainfall pattern were most prominent. Farmers perceived reduced crop yield, increased drought, among others, as the greatest adverse effects of climate change. Some of the strategies adopted to combat the adverse effects included; adjustment by adopting early planting and use of improved crop varieties, among others. Farmers were found to have low levels of capacity to adopt to climate change without social institutions’ involvement. It was concluded that examining how smallholders adapt to climate change and variability (CC&V) may provide significant approach for mainstreaming climate change adaptation policies in national development strategies to enhance adaptive capacity. It was finally recommended that adaptation interventions designed to enhance adaptive capacity on smallholders to the impacts of climate change in Bunda District and the nation at large should be holistic and address the day-to –day smallholders’ problems.


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF QC981.8.C5T34M861)


Climatic changes, Forms, Small, Bunda district, Tanzania


Mung’onya, J.M (2016) Assessing adaptive capacity to climate change among smallholder farmers in Bunda district, Tanzania, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.