The politics of production of vegetable oil seeds in Tanzania: a case study of Dodoma, Iringa and Singida regions



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University of Dar es Salaam


This thesis is an attempt to identify and delineate the social, political, and economic factors that have led to the decline of both actual and marketed volume of vegetable oilseeds in Tanzania, with specific reference to sunflower and castor oilseeds. Chapter one introduces the problem which is investigated and its scope. Chapter two is a review of literature of various studies that have been carried in Tanzania in respect to problems similar to the one dealt with in this thesis. The third chapter reviews and evaluates the nature of both colonial and post-colonial agricultural policies in Tanzania. The aim here is to show the extent to which the overall national policies have had an adverse impact upon agricultural development. In this chapter, it is argued that both colonial and post-colonial policies emphasised on increased agricultural output rather than the transformation of the agricultural sector so that it becomes productive. Hence, the thesis argues that although there are incidences where agricultural output increased, there has been no radical changes in this sector. Moreover, it is shown that the agricultural policies in Tanzania have not been emphasizing the production of vegetable oilseeds. And therefore the poor performance in vegetable oilseeds production is indeed historical and concrete. The fourth chapter examines the politics of production of vegetable oilseeds in Dodoma, Iringa and Singida Regions .On the whole it is shown that, the nature of social organisation of production, the form of production dominant in the rural sector, (sources of production included), the pricing policies and the marketing system in existence have contributed a lot towards the decline of the actual and marketed share of these oilseeds. In the concluding chapter, an attempt is made first, to discuss in brief the research findings in relationship to our stated hypotheses, secondly the thesis concludes the subject matter of this study by providing recommendations that can be implemented in order to arrest the; crisis that is facing the: agricultural sector in general and the oilseeds sub-sector in Particular. In general the thesis calls for a clear defined agricultural policy which is aimed at transforming this sector. In this study, it is held that the crisis facing the vegetable oilseeds industry can only be solved through the overall improvement and- development of the agricultural sector. Policies which are biased against agricultural development should be abolished. Nevertheless, the thesis admits that rally agricultural transformation is basically a political question which requires committed people who have interest in solving the rural question. It is crucial that this be accepted now as a reality, because it is in this scour where the majority of the Tanzanians live.


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Agriculture and state, Vegetable oil and seed-production, Iringa region, Vegetable oil seed, Production, Dodoma region, Singida region


Lugalla, J. L.P (1983) The politics of production of vegetable oil seeds in Tanzania: a case study of Dodoma, Iringa and Singida regions, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( )