Indirect rule in colonial ungoni 1897-1955: a study of the transformation of colonial policies

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University of Dar es Salaam
Indirect rule was an objective specificity of colonial rule as supervised by the colonial capitalist state. It was specificity because it was a special form of managerial authority in the process of production, which corresponded to a specific form of political domination, necessitated by a corresponding form of surplus appropriation, in a special stage or phase in a historical conjuncture. And all this was in turn determined by a specific relationship between, on the one hand contradictions in the dynamics of capitalist development in the metropole and on the other hand, contradictions in the social economic and political development in the colony. Indirect rule was an objective specificity because, it emanated from objective tendencies of the dynamics of capitalism in general and from a capitalist colonial state. It was, therefore, not entirely a subjective voluntariatin discovery of a curtain smart governor the man on the ppct. These objective tendencies were contradictions or orises, (so conspirancy) which necessitated appropriate political and ideological practices. This study is about one of such colonial policies indirect rule. It studies contradictions that necessitated its rise and its deoline. It uses ungoni as a case study. It argues (a) that the assence of indirect rule was a (1) cheap and efficient supervision of colonial economy (2) the best means to stifle struggle from the producers; (b) that indirect rule had to decline once the extra economic form of exploitation ( where capital has only a formal subjugation on the economy) had ended once the conditions of the existence of capitalist relations of production were laid down. The work is divided into four chapters. Chapter One deals with the Literature Review of the question of indirect rules. Chapter Two is a theoretical exposition of the frame-work used to analyse indirect rule. Chapter three examines indirect rule in Ungoni during the German period and it argues that Germans adopted indirect rule for the same reasons as the British. And finally chapter four deals with indirect rule during the British period and how it declined and replaced by the policy of local government. This is followed by a short general conclusion.
Available in print form, EAF Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF DT443.N6N9)
Songea Tanzania (District) History colonial, Ngoni (African people), Politics and Government
Nyirenda, H.D (1986) Indirect rule in colonial ungoni 1897-1955: a study of the transformation of colonial policies, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam