Library-anthropology resource group (LARG) international dictionary of anthropologists
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LARG - the Library-Anthropology Resource Group — is currently compiling an international biographical dictionary of contributors to anthropology who were born before 1920. The dictionary will contain information on approximately one thousand people. There will be entries not only for academics but also for travelers, colonial administrators, missionaries, "native" informants, museum curators, and so on. Each entry will include summary biographical data, a description of the biographee’s role in anthropology, a list of his/her major publications, and a bibliography of published sources of further information. (See next page for sample entry.) Anthropology is defined in its American sense to include ethnology, archeology, folklore, physical anthropology and certain branches of linguistics. For information, please contact: Christopher Winters, LARG Editorial-Coordinator, Bibliographer for Anthropology, University of Chicago Library, Chicago, IL 60637, USA (tel.: (312) 702-8147).