Maasai history in relation to tsetse encroachment
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This project originated when Mr. (now Sir) R. de Z. Hall as Member for Local Government was on safari within the then Provincial Commissioner, Northern Province, Mr F.K Page Jones. It was considered that a historical check- [ on Masai movement might provide evidence of the encroachment of tsetse in the period before records are available. For reasons given in section II, it proved impossible to take Masai movement per se as an indicator of tsetse encroachment. It was only when such movement was correlated to this explanation thereof that what is believed to be the true picture emerged. Although this may not be accurate in every detail, it was thought that the study was well wort -while in patting the whole picture in perspective and in opening certain lines of thought. In particular, the effect of the natural destocking and a reversion to hunting in famine years may have had considerable affect on the fly, situation: the passible future relationship between chemical prophylaxes and the spread of fly deserves much thought. A third facet is the Sleeping Sickness situation, which requires to be kept under review.
2. My first approach to this project was a perusal of standard historical works - Krapf's "Travels and Missionary Labours in East Africa" (1860), Charles New's "Wanderings in East Africa" (1875), Thomson’s "Through Masailand" (1885), Hollis's "The Masai" (1905), etc. Going through these works, I found no mention whatsoever of tsetse. This exercise, however, led me to review the value of Masai age-sets as a fteans of dating particular events. As is well-known, the Masai are divided into named age-sets - a new one being inaugurated approximately every fifteen years. Thus, if one knows a Masai’s age-set name and his status or grade, i.e. Junior mcran, senior moran, junior elder, senior elder or retired, elder, at the time of any given event, the date can be fixed with reasonable accuracy. A number of previous irreconcilable points were cleared up in this connection and a separate paper has- been written and will be published thereon. The final results which can now be taken as reasonably accurate are shown in Appendix I.
Available in Print form, East Africana Collection, Dr Wilbert Chagula Library, ( EAF FOS F24)
Tsetse, Flies, Tanganyika, Masailand, Masai (African people)
Fosbrooke, Henry A. (1954) Maasai history in relation to tsetse encroachment