The role of new media technologies of communication in Tanzania’s parastatal organizations: a case study of the utilization of electronic mail at TANESCO Ilala Region



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University of Dar es Salaam


This study attempted to examine the role of new media technologies to solve organisational communication problems in Tanzania’s Parastatal Organisations. The study has used a case study of electronic mail usage at the TANESCO Ilala region to determine whether that technology can solve communication problems in the region. The main objective of the study is to examine how new media technologies are being utilized in Tanzanian organisations by exploring the extent to which TANESCO Ilala region has adopted new media technologies to solve communication problems. Ilala region has been decentralised into “TANESCO” districts to simplify communication but there is still communication breakdown especially between departments and customers. The core research questions addressed in this study were: What is the extent of adoption of new media technologies at TANESCO Ilala? What is the level of staff utilisation of new media technologies at TANESCO Ilala region? What is the level of customers’ awareness and interest in the use of new media technologies for communication at TANESCOs Ilala office? A total of forty workers and twenty customers at the TANESCO Ilala region were purposively sampled and interviewed for this study. The results indicated that new media technologies can be used to solve communication problems at TANESCO Ilala region and improve services to customers. The benefits of the new media technologies were also demonstrated for solving organisational communication problems at TANESCO Ilala region.


Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HE6239.E54T34T53 )


Electronic Mail systems, Tanzania Electric Supply Company, Parastatol organizations, Tanzania, Ilala region


Theophil, L. (2013) The role of new media technologies of communication in Tanzania’s parastatal organizations: a case study of the utilization of electronic mail at TANESCO Ilala Region, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.