Impact of customer care practices on customer satisfaction: a case of Tanzania electric supply company Ltd



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University of Dar es Salaam


This study analyses the impact of customer care practices on customer satisfaction during service delivery in TANESCO. The study focuses on customer service on functional quality perspective. Cluster area probability sampling technique was used and a sample of 120 customers and 80 TANESCO employees from four Dar es Salaam regions namely, Magomeni, Mikocheni, Ilala and Temeke were involved in the study. The study used a questionnaire. Four independent variables of customer care practice which includes employee behaviour and character in the enactment of procedure and delivery of outcome, physical facilities, company systems and technology use were analyzed. The results showed that, all four variables mentioned above were highly significant in determining customer satisfaction. According to the findings as per the variables, TANESCO customers are dissatisfied with the customer care practices in TANESCO. Other factors were identified as the main causes of poor customer care practices in TANESCO. These include, corruption, monopoly, in-adequacy of the materials and working tools, employee job satisfaction, motivation and employee empowerment. The study provides insights insights for service organization industry to strive to turn around the perception of customer care into a positive one as well to meet sustainable competitive advantage.


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark (THS EAF HF5415.5T34C48)


Consumer satisfaction, Customer care practices, Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO)


Chungu, F. I (2007) Impact of customer care practices on customer satisfaction: a case of Tanzania electric supply company Ltd, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.