Community readiness towards redd+: prospects and risks of redd+ payments an1) livelihoods in two case study communities of li wale district
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University of Dar es Salaam,
It is widely acknowledged that the threat of the 21st century is climate change. This threat has been overwhelmed by increased quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere which damages the Ozone layer. Responding to the above threat, in 2005. United Nations Convection of Climate Change (UNFCCC). Tanzania included, developed an incentive mechanism for "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation; plus the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries'* (REDD Plus). These mechanisms are aimed to support local communities managing forest. Experience shows that, local communities are not incorporated/ participating in making decision and plans pertaining them. It is at this point that, this study examined the community readiness towards REDD+: prospects and risks of REDD+ payments and livelihoods in two case study communities of the Liwale district. The district has endowed with a large Village Land Forest Reserve known as Angai (AVLFR) which is under the United Nation REDD+ project. The project aimed to distribute the REDD+ Payments into three villages including these two (Mihumo and Ngunja) of the case study. A total of 53 respondents were interviewed. Among them, 43 respondents were the local communities and 10 respondents were key informants. For triangulation reason, the study used Focus Group Discussions to the local villagers. The findings were analysed through themes set basing on objectives. The findings of this study revealed that, nearly half of local community did not know REDD l concepts at all and one fifth of the local respondents had vague ideas about it. Moreover, the study found out that. AVLFR is still potential to the local communities surrounds it as lots of benefits are still accrued from it. The modality of the REDD+ payments expected to be used in AVLFR is neither known to villagers nor district officials. Moreover, how much money, which channels and who arc concerning in coordinating and distributing of those payments were puzzles to these local communities and the district officials including District Forest Officers. Lastly, the study discovered that, there is no Local institutional set up for REDD+ payments. The study concluded that, in order for the REDD+ project to succeed, during this pilot period, there is a need to increase awareness to the local villagers as long as they are the main stakeholders of the AVLFR. As explained above that AVLFR is still potential and beneficial. REDD project should bare these potentials and benefits to the local communities managing it so as thev could see the value of the coordinating, channelling and distribution of the REDD4 for the project to be successful. Lastly, the local institutional set up for managing forest in AVLFR (MUHIMA) should be empowered to handle out all matters pertaining to the forest including REDD+ because it v\as entrusted b\ the villagers found it. The stud\ recommended that National REDD* police and act should be materialized so that all forests stakeholders could work according to the laws and principles.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF SD414.T34M34 )
climate change, carbon dioxide, Ozone layer, incentive mechanism, United Nations Convection of Climate Change (UNFCCC)., Village Land Forest Reserve, redd+
Malumusi, H l (2012) Community readiness towards redd+: prospects and risks of redd+ payments an1) livelihoods in two case study communities of li wale district, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam