Employees’ perceptions of occupational health and safety (OHS) Management practices and their job satisfactions: the case of Geita Gold Mining Limited, Geita

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study examines employees’ perceptions of occupational health and safety (OHS) management practices and their job satisfaction in Tanzania with a case of Geita Gold Mining Limited, Geita. Specific objectives of the study included, to determine employees’ perceptions of occupational health and safety management practices at Geita Gold Mining Limited, to determine employees’ job satisfaction at Geita Gold Mining Limited and determining the relationship between employees’ perceptions of occupational health and safety management practices and job satisfaction. This study involved 242 respondents. Data were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive and multiple regression analysis. Perception of failure in complying with OHS requirements in the workplace have been identified as a major contributor to unsafe environment and therefore shortage in the workforce. With increasing industrialization and its consequent increase in accidents and exposure to dangerous chemicals, the issue of health and safety management has become more pressing than ever. This study work observed that it’s very necessary to assess health and safety management practices and employee job satisfaction in the mining industry. The results from regression analysis revealed that, there is strong relationship between the practice of occupational health and safety management and employee job satisfaction in the mining industry. Study therefore contributes most on the policy makers and other authorities concerned. It gives direction to employers and health stakeholders that it’s necessary for the institution to keep first people’s health than focusing only on profit making. Finally, it is recommended that, management has to often organize education, training, workshops, seminars on health and safety issues, publish materials on health and safety, and many other stages include safety awareness in the minds of workers. This will keep them aware of the hazards and risks associated with their work and how to prevent or minimize them at their workplaces.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD5708.2T34M398)
Job security, Job satisfication, Geita gold mining, Tanzania
mazula, Andrew Deogratias (2020) Employees’ perceptions of occupational health and safety (OHS) Management practices and their job satisfactions: the case of Geita Gold Mining Limited, Geita, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam