Consequences of maasai child adoption “ngera ekipa culture” on women’s and children’s rights in Tanzania
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Ngera Ekipa is a name given to a traditional cultural practice among the Maasai community of child adoption. The main objective of this study was to examine the extent to which the Ngera Ekipa culture has affected Maasai women’s and children’s right in Tanzania, particularly those in Longido District in Arusha Region. Thus, the study was guided by three specific objectives, namely to; determine first, procedures involved in the implementation of the Ngera Ekipa culture;second, examine community’s perception towards the Ngera Ekipa culture; examine the consequences that Maasai women and children were facing in implantation of the N Ngera Ekipa culture. This study used exploratory research design and primary data was collected from a sample 77 community members from Longido District in Arusha region. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews and Focused Group Discussions (FGDs). Both qualitative research methods (content analysis of the interviews and FGD responses) were used to analyze the data obtained. Overall study findings reveal that, first there were three procedures in Ngera Ekipa culture, these included ‘asking for a baby, receiving the baby and raising the baby’. Second, the study identified the following consequences of the Ngera Ekipa culture; isolation of women’s and children’s rights: conflicts between the biological child family and the adopting family: conflicts between the biological child family and the adopting family; conflict between the adopted child and both adopting and biological parents; disease transmission and infection; and lastly psychological problems. Therefore, the study concludes by recommending increased awareness among the people in the Maasai community about human rights, particularly women’s and children’s rights, as well as increased awareness on health issues, laws and regulation on legal child adoption. In addition to that, the study recommends more effort to be done in protecting women’s and children’s rights, in the sense that Ngera Ekipa culture and other forms of informal child adoption practices should involve the government, NGOs, researchers, medical doctors, religious leaders and the community.