Willingness to pay for a garbage collection service at University of Dar es Salaam residential area
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University of Dar es Salaam
Willingness to pay for garbage collection services for university of Dar es Salaam residential area has been assessed in this study using contingent valuation method (CVM). In examining the issue, logit model with (YES/NO responses) to willingness to pay as a dependant variable has been used, with a series of explanatory variables to examine the determinants of and the mean willingness to pay (WTP). Although this is purely a quantitative approach the study has also used qualitative analysis to describe the summary statistics of the sample population. Data have been collected through interviewing the university of Dar es salaam residents, university of Dar es salaam estate department officials and some have been collected from published reports of the university of Dar es Salaam and own field survey observations. The study identifies the following determinants of the willingness to pay for garbage collection services; income of the household, the bid value and the size of the household. The study also identifies that, the amount of money the households are willing to pay is 8,682.30 Tshs per month which is equivalent to 0.87% of their monthly income. The study recommends that, the policy of contracting out the garbage collection activities to the cleaning and land-scarping companies with involvement of the residents cannot be the best for the time being as more than half of the residents refuses to pay for the services and even for those who have accepted to pay they are ready to sacrifice only 0.9% of their monthly income. However, the study realizes the important of residents to participate in waste collection activities and so it recommends sensitization and campaign must be done to make the residents aware of participating in residential garbage collection through contributions for the services provided.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD4485.T34M37)
Garbage, Residential area
Massito, J. G (2009) Willingness to pay for a garbage collection service at University of Dar es Salaam residential area, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam