The effects of icbae income generating projects on poverty reduction among rural women in Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of the ICBAE income generating projects on poverty reduction among rural women. The study was conducted in Rungwe district, Mbeya region. Kartz and Kahn open system model was used. The sample had a total number of 94 respondents comprising 60 ICBAE women, 10 facilitators, 14 project managers and 10 supervisors. It was a qualitative study employing a case study design. Findings revealed that needlework; tailoring and weaving projects were important source of income for women. The findings showed that women joined the ICBAE programme because they wanted to be identified as a group so as to access loans and to get seed money from the government (Revolving loans fund) for the ICBAE programme implementation. Women had their expectations fairly met because they have developed group identity and can therefore get technical assistance and group advice. They are now competent in making different goods, for example, table mats, pesticides, chalk and soap. Further, it was revealed that the productivity has increased leading to more profit. The challenges facing ICBAE have been the mismatch between policy on ICBAE and the reality on the ground, lack of professional competence among facilitators and narrow conceptualisation of ICBAE as an integrated programme. The study recommended that women should be encouraged to establish fundable and viable projects. Community banks should relax some of the bureaucratic procedures to enable rural women get loans. There is also a need to adopt a multi- sectoral approach in the implementation of the ICBAE. The District Adult Education should assist women to get technical support for the designing more viable and fundable small scale projects.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HC79.P6.M38)
poverty, generating
Matonya, M.D (2008) The effects of icbae income generating projects on poverty reduction among rural women in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.