The assessment of the strengths and weakness of the training needs assessment methodology as applied in the bank sector, in Tanzania: a case study of Tanzania Postal Bank.

dc.contributor.authorSigonda, Desdery Gregory
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractThe Training Needs Assessment exercise, if properly managed, can guide objectively an organization in determining its future goals as well as prescribing the correct solutions to its performance problems, thus making the training function contribute effectively to the achievement of the corporate objectives. This will require good understanding of, and proper application of the TNA methodology. This study aimed at assessing the strengths and weaknesses of training needs assessment methodology at the banking industry to discover the reasons contributing to ineffective training. The study has observed strengths and weaknesses of TNA methodology at TPB which to a greater extent are caused by the problems observed at TPB. According to the study, the observed strengths include the exercise of investigating training needs at the three levels, viz: organizational level, group level and individual level, and the use of staff performance appraisal exercise and job descriptions as inputs for TNA exercise. Other strengths are the use of observation and document scanning as methods of data collection as well as the use of priority problem and considering organizational politics as methods of analyzing data on training needs. On the other hand, weaknesses have been observed to occur simultaneously with the strengths. The observed weaknesses include the unequal application of the three levels of training needs thus risking the advantage to be gained by using them equally as the three levels are complimentary. There is poor utilisation of performance appraisal and job descriptions as well as lack of prepared format for document examination and observation. The other weakness observed is the reliance on reactive methods for training needs analysis. Problems observed include poor organization and coordination of the training in the bank; financial constraints; poor TNA knowledge among those who conduct TNA; and lack of autonomy of the training function. The study thus, recommends that, in order to reduce the weaknesses and problems observed the bank should strengthen and give the required support to the training function to enable it perform duties effectively and efficiently. By doing so, weaknesses and problems observed will be reduced.en_US
dc.identifier.citationSigonda, D. G. (2001). The assessment of the strengths and weakness of the training needs assessment methodology as applied in the bank sector, in Tanzania: a case study of Tanzania Postal Bank. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectFinancial institutionsen_US
dc.subjectEmployee trainingen_US
dc.subjectPostal Banken_US
dc.titleThe assessment of the strengths and weakness of the training needs assessment methodology as applied in the bank sector, in Tanzania: a case study of Tanzania Postal Bank.en_US