Market dynamics of ICT training with special focus in secondary schools and computer training centers in Dar es Salaam: the case of Dar es Salaam secondary schools and computer training centers
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University of Dar es Salaam
The introduction of computer course as part of syllabus in secondary schools has been a threat to the computer training centers. This can lead to loss in the business of the computer training centers. This research aims at finding the market possibility for the computer training centers in the future. The descriptive research design was used, raw data was collected using questionnaires in Dar es Salaam from 130 form four students. Purposive and random sampling designs were used. From the findings obtained, it was observed that 81.54% of respondents said they will still join the computer training centers for computer course in spite of studying it as a subject in secondary schools. 63.207% of the female respondents and 36.792% of the male respondents said that they will join the computer training centers for computer courses. Out of the respondents, 85.227% of the respondents taking science subjects, 72.222% of those taking arts subjects and 75% of those taking commercial subjects said they will attend the computer training centers even if they already had computer course in secondary school. Computer course contents in secondary schools are different to those in computer training centers. It was concluded that there will still be market for the computer training centers and the market will have students from all fields of specialization. The study recommended that ICT course syllabi in secondary schools and computer training centers should be harmonized and updated from time to time. For computer centers to maintain and improve their market, they need to improve the quality of the ICT service provided so as to meet customer expectation causing customer satisfaction which will lead to a profitable and growing business.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library
ICT training, Secondary schools, Computer training centers, Dar es Salaam
Ishengoma, W (2009) Market dynamics of ICT training with special focus in secondary schools and computer training centers in Dar es Salaam: the case of Dar es Salaam secondary schools and computer training centers, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.