Antecedents of entrepreneurial values among university students in Uganda

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study examines the influence of curriculum and background factors on entrepreneurial values among Ugandan University students. It uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods based on a survey of 886 final year university students from 12 universities and 21 study programmes. Structural Equation Modelling is used for quantitative data analysis through Analysis of Moments Structures while NVivo 10 is used for qualitative data analysis. Findings indicate that parents’ level of education, interaction with entrepreneurs, lecturers’ entrepreneurial experience and experiential learning have a significant relationship with entrepreneurial values. However, age, birth order and gender are not associated with entrepreneurial values. Unlike most previous studies, this study does not find significant influence of gender on entrepreneurial values except in risk taking and proactiveness where males scored higher than females. The study corroborates the social learning theory, the experiential learning theory, attribution theory and the theory of planned behaviour with the form and nature of interaction with parents and formal educators influencing development of entrepreneurial values. The findings do not support the gender theory which posits that the way women are socialised acts as a barrier to development of entrepreneurial values. Neither does it support the argument by some researchers that existing descriptors of entrepreneurs are masculine and should not necessarily apply to females. This finding may be a reflection of fundamental changes in society and gender roles as a result of increased females’ access to education, job opportunities and attitudes. The study suggests an entrepreneurial values development model for use by educators and researchers. Future studies can examine the role of pre-university education in shaping entrepreneurial values.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HB615.U33A22)
Entrepeneurship, College students, Uganda
Abaho, E. (2014) Antecedents of entrepreneurial values among university students in Uganda, Doctoral dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.