Factors influencing persistence of academic failure in primary school leaving examinations (PSLE) in Igunga district

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University of Dar es Salaam
The study sought to identify the factors influencing persistence of academic failure in PSLE in Igunga district. Specifically it examined how teaching and learning methods was linked to persistence of academic failure in PSLE and of improving the situation. The study methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative paradigms. The sample comprised of 32 Primary School Pupils, 24 Parents, 4 School Committee Chairpersons, 15 Class teachers, 4 Head teachers, 4 Ward Education Coordinators, District Chief Inspector of Schools and District Education Officer. The methods of data collection were semi structured face to face interviews, focus group discussions, documentary review, and observation. The major findings showed several factors influenced persistence of academic failure in PSLE. The key factors were an acute shortage of textbooks, teachers’ houses, toilets, shortage of classrooms and desks, syllabi incompletion, provision of insufficient questions, exercises and tests. Others were lack of leadership commitment on the part of Head teachers, parents persuading children not to write correct answers in PSLE, absenteeism, pupils’ lack of motivation to learn and lack of school food provision. It was also found that there was unequal distribution of teachers among the schools and teachers still relied on the talk and chalk method during the teaching and learning process. Based on these findings, the study recommends that, the government, among others, has to ensure there is adequate provision of textbooks, teaching and learning materials in primary schools. It is also recommended that there is need for adequate classrooms, desks, teachers’ houses, and teachers’ incentives. Schools should be not opened till basic school needs are in place. It is recommended that DEO have to conduct in-service training, design education advocacy programmes to parents on the importance of education. Moreover Head teachers are obliged to closely supervise curriculum implementation, pupils’ academic progress, sensitization, guidance and counselling to pupils.
Available in print form
School leaving examinations, Academic failure, Primary education, Igunga district
Idahya, E.K (2012), Factors influencing persistence of academic failure in primary school leaving examinations (PSLE) in Igunga district, master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam available at(