Classroom interaction for quality learning in public secondary schools in Tanzania: a case of Arusha region
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University of Dar es Salaam
The study investigated classroom interaction practices and their contribution to quality learning in O’ level public secondary schools in Arusha region in Tanzania. Four objectives guided the study, namely to examine the types and levels of interaction in classroom teaching-learning in secondary schools; to assess provision and utilization of teaching-learning resources available in schools to improve classroom interaction, and to find out whether teachers prepare adequately for quality teaching. The study was conducted in Arusha municipality in Arusha region. The sample constituted 222 respondents who comprised 200 students, 20 teachers and 2 heads of schools from two sampled schools who were obtained through purposive and simple random sampling methods. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected through observation, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and documentary review. Data were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. Findings revealed that the teachers’ knowledge of classroom interaction patterns was low in both schools with poor classroom interaction in large classes where management of such classes was difficult, especially in school B. it was also revealed that lack of teaching and learning resources together with the poor choice of teaching method limited the amount of interaction in the classroom. The study demonstrated that knowledge of the language of instruction determines the quality of learning and amount and level of interaction in the classroom. It was also found that the majority of teachers from both schools did not prepare adequately or at all what they taught. The study recommends the MoEVT to re-plan and construct new classrooms or schools to address the issue of large class size, to train its teachers to be well equipped with new pedagogy in teaching and learning and also to employ more teachers. It is recommended that the inspectorate department be adequately aware of what goes on in classrooms. The heads of schools should ensure that essential teaching and learning materials are available and used by both teachers as well as students for maximum classroom interaction, and that schools-based or departmental workshop/seminars be organized to allow teachers to discuss thoroughly the problems in their departments that limit classroom work. The study recommends further research on other public and private secondary schools since the results were not generalized and also the study showed that few researchers have dealt with this matter.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark (THS EAF LB1033.T34K55)
Teachers and students interaction, Interaction analysis in children, Public secondary school, Classroom management
Kimaro, A. R (2009) Classroom interaction for quality learning in public secondary schools in Tanzania: a case of Arusha region, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam