Teachers' Awareness of and expertise in the potential of ict-based teaching and learning: a study of selected secondary schools in Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
In Tanzania, the level of ICT is still low and very little ICT is developed in the education system. Regarding this problem, teachers in Tanzania are still using old methods and process in delivering knowledge and skills in the teaching of succinct and mathematics such as lecturing from textbooks,: ‘summarizing this by writing notes on the blackboard, and students just Copying the notes in their exercise books which are traditional methods' This is due to partly inadequate technologies. CT is now a buzz-word for professional training of teachers at all levels. Some schools already. Have ICT hardware while others have little. The awareness of- teachers of the potential and role of ICT is barely understood and hence planners are unable to help teachers make effective use of lCT in schools. The purpose of this study was to investigate the science and mathematics teachers' awareness of and expertise in the potential of using ICT in the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in secondary schools in Tanzania. The study focused on how teachers use ICT in the classroom environment. The population and sample of the study was the Ordinary level Secondary Schools with ICT infrastructure. The sample included five Secondary Schools in Zanzibar, including three schools in Unguja, one being a government school and two non- government schools, and two government. Schools in Pemba. Fifty (50) students from form one up to form four, nineteen ( 19) science and mathematics teachers, and five (5) head teachers were involved in the study. Four research techniques were used to collect data in the Input, Process, and Output homework. They included oral interview sessions, questionnaires, classroom observation and documentary reviews on the benefit of the teachers' awareness of and expertise in the potential of using ICT-in the teaching and learning of science and mathematics. The findings of the study revealed that all the schools in the sample had ICT infrastructure. Among the five secondary schools, only two schools had internet facilities and websites. Three teachers in the sample were capable of managing ICT resources and organizing the classroom to ensure that effective subject learning was done successfully. Six other teachers (31.6%) possessed basic ICT skills while (lO) 52.6% of teachers did not know how to use ICT in their teaching. Based on the findings, teachers and students suggested the placement of computers for equitable access, technical support, effective goals for technology use, new roles for teachers, time for on-going professional development, appropriate coaching of teachers at different skill levels, teacher incentives for use, availability of educational software, and sustained funding for technology. The study therefore recommends that further research should be done with a lager sample in other secondary schools in Tanzania mainland. This could enhance our understanding of the reality of teachers' awareness of and their ability to use ICT resources in teaching and teaming in Tanzania
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB1028.43T34M532)
Information and communication technology, Teachers' awareness, Secondary schools, Tanzania
Mhangwa, Y.M (2007) Teachers' Awareness of and expertise in the potential of ict-based teaching and learning: a study of selected secondary schools in Tanzania.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.