The role of the family in enhancing child transition from home to the primary school in Mbozi district, Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study explore the role of family in enhancing child transition from home to primary school readiness in Mbozi District. The objectives of the study were to investigate the child’s school readiness skills, examine the available materials in the home environment that children interact with, examine the development and learning skills that children acquire in the home environment and to determine the link between the home and formal school learning experiences. The study involved 125 informants to include; 5 heads of schools, 30 parents, 30 teachers and 60 standard one pupils. The methods used for data collection involved interviews, questionnaires and observation. The data were collected and analysed using qualitative as well as some aspects of quantitative methods. The findings revealed that parents played critical roles in nurturing their children into language skills mathematical skills, healthy and social emotional skills. Thus, the child developmental characteristic school readiness skills that parents used as a basis for enrolling their children into primary schools include the child demonstrating abilities which indicate maturity like being able to dress themselves, count simple numbers, going to toilet, going along with others, and the ability to express oneself, the materials found available in most home enviroments include conters made of bottle tops and sticks, draft boards, picture books, toys that give out voice, television and radio which were used by children to learn as they play. Although children expressed a mixed reaction concerning how they considered their transition to school as some experienced fear and pain leaving their parents, the study observed that, the prior learning skills which children acquired at home settings helped them in copying with primary school environment. The study concludes that the family plays a significant role in helping children to develop school readiness skills which are a prerequisite for successful transition of a child from home to school. Based on the findings recommendations for both action and further are proposed.
Available in print form, Eat Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library,(THS EAF LB1513.T34M466)
Primary education, Family role, Child readiness, Tanzania
Mgode, S. H. (2010)The role of the family in enhancing child transition from home to the primary school in Mbozi district, Tanzania. Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.