A study on the pre-primary teaching and learning process in enhancing holistic child development in Tanzania: the case of Kinondoni District

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study aimed at investigating the extent to which the public pre-primary schools teaching and learning process enhanced holistic child development in Tanzania. The study methodology based on the qualitative paradigm. The four research tasks guided the study based on pre-primary curriculum, the availability of qualified teachers, the effectiveness of teaching methods and availability of teaching/learning materials on enhancing holistic child development in the teaching and learning process. Data were collected from four public pre-primary schools in Kinondoni District. The study adopted a case study design. The sample comprised 26 respondents made up of pre-primary teachers, head teachers, parents, primary school inspectors, administrators from Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE), Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT). The methods of data collection were interviews, observations, observational checklist, and documentary review. The data were analysed largely qualitatively while quantitative analysis was applied only to some data. The findings reveal that there are several factors undermining holistic child development in public pre-primary schools in Tanzania in the teaching and learning process. These include overloaded curriculum compared to the available resources. Furthermore, the study found the presence of unqualified teachers and most of them had not attended in-service training and therefore, they lacked skills of teaching children. The study also reveals that, the teaching methods used in teaching and learning process were teacher centred which are not for pre-primary children. Moreover, all the sampled schools had inadequate teaching/learning materials such as textbooks, teachers‟ guide, models, playgrounds and picture cards. Coping strategies implemented to alleviate the problems, include soliciting for parents‟ contribution and donors support of schools. The study recommends, among other things, the districts should work closely with the MoEVT in providing public pre-primary schools with qualified teachers, in-service trainings and teaching/learning materials, as well as involvement of all stakeholders of pre-primary focusing on mobilising resources towards enhancing quality teaching and learning process to bring about holistic child development.
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Nursery schools teaching, Preschool teaching, Preschool teachers, Holistic child development, Child development, Kinondoni district, Tanzania
Mukama, R. V (2011) A study on the pre-primary teaching and learning process in enhancing holistic child development in Tanzania: the case of Kinondoni District, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. (Available at