Socio-cultural factors behind the persist ace of cholera out breaks in igogo, Mwanza region

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University of Dar es Salaam
Socio-cultural factors behind the persist ace of cholera out breaks in igogo, Mwanza region Freddy Venance Mwamotto Master of Public Health, University of Dar es Salaam, college of social science, 2020 This study examined social cultural factors contributing to the high prevalence of cholera in Igogo Ward, Mwanza region. Specifically, the study examined the socio-cultural practices that contributed to the persistence of cholera outbreaks in Igogo ward; examined the community’s attitude towards the prevention and control of cholera in Igogo ward; and examined the interventions stakeholders have undertaken to prevent and control cholera outbreaks in the ward. The study used case study design which employed both quantitative and qualitative methodology to collect data in Igodo ward. Data were therefore collected using questionnaires and Key informant interviews (KIIS). Questionnaire data collected from a sample of 100 respondents were processed and presented in form of tables and figures for descriptive statistics and preceded by detailed discussions. On the other hand, qualitative data were collected from key informants through Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and subjected to thematic content analysis. The study found that cholera cases were high in households whose heads had primary education and lower formal education. In fact, 65 percent of the respondents were not aware of cholera disease, believing that the outbreak was a reprimand from God. Findings also show that many of the respondents were not aware of the contributory factors. More than 50 percent of the respondents affirmed that they do not wash hands before eating which increases the risks for cholera outbreak and spread. On community members’ attitudes towards the prevention and control of cholera, findings revealed that 24 percent of the respondents gave cholera patients traditional remedies rather than take them to hospital and three percent only prayed for the patients. With regard to who is responsible for controlling and preventing cholera, 60 percent of respondents believed that only the government has that role. It was further established that interventions by stakeholders in controlling and preventing cholera in the study have largely been ineffective. Moreover, due to unreliable tap water supply by the Mwanza Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (MWAUWASA), the majority of the responding residents opted to use untreated water from Lake Victoria, thus escalating cholera incidents. Furthermore, the study found that inadequate numbers of health personnel, the language barrier, and ineffective use of mass media in public education provision were some of the challenges to controlling and preventing cholera persistence in the study area. The study concludes that the prevalence of cholera epidemic in Igogo ward is highly attributed to a lack of awareness which limits the people to take preventive measures. Based on the findings, the study recommends that a multi-sectoral intervention strategy involving collaborative efforts between the government and other stakeholders in providing resources and public health education to people to increase awareness of cholera disease is essential. Moreover, there is a need for more broad-based research on whether economic and political factors contribute to cholera prevalence in Igogo ward.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF RA644.C3T34M825 )
Cholera,, Homeopathic treatment,, Igogo ward,, Mwanza region,
Mwamotto F,V (2020)Socio-cultural factors behind the persist ace of cholera out breaks in igogo, Mwanza region,Masters dissertation,University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.