The analysis of the role of ports/ harbours in facilitating International trade: the case of Tanzania, Dar es salaam
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The new millennium has witnessed increasing importance of the physical infrastructure as a means of facilitating trade. According to the Economic Survey of 2004, the Tanzania' s transport sector contributes about 6.3 percent to GDP. Although Tanzania acknowledges the importance of the physical infrastructure as a tool for facilitating both local and external trade and investments, the country's speed to develop the same has been very low. The transport systems in Tanzania has suffered many years of neglect and decay, the p01is in the country are supported by such weak roads and railway networks, a situation that reduces the ability of the ports to function as gateways to both local and external markets. The objective of this study is therefore to investigate the reasons or causes that underlie the poor performance by the Dar es Salaam port thus limiting the country to benefit from her geographical position as a maritime nation on a competitive and sustainable international trade basis. This study was done in Dar es Salaam, and the port of Dar es Salaam was an area of study. A self-administered questionnaire, together with interviews with the port officials and port users, were used to collect primary information while secondary data were obtained through library search, documentary reviews and also materials retrieved from the internet, were subjected to content analysis. The conclusions drawn from this study have important policy implications that if adapted are believed that will make the port very competitive