Formalization of pre-primary education in Tanzania: Resource allocation and sharing at school level
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University of Dar es Salaam.
The formalization of pre-primary education in Tanzania mode-primary education the first level of basic education in Tanzania, and each primary school was supposed to have pre0primary along with it. However, the needs of learners in these two levels of education are different; teacher training requirements, pedagogical needs as well as services and care are not absolutely the same. This study, therefore examined the coordination of resource’s in schools to find out whether there is recognition of the pedagogical and psychological needs of both pre- primary and primary school pupils. Data was collected through a combination of documentary review, interviews, observation and checklist, physical facilities in the sampled schools were explored and discussed according to the tasks set. The major findings were as follows. There was awareness and consideration of teacher’s qualifications and experience in the allocation of teaching duties to teachers` qualification and experience in the allocation of teaching and learning facilities in the sampled government schools that adversely restricted the in-door and outdoor activities among pre-primary children. There was lack of consideration of such issues as pupils as pupils ages. The study recommended that head tethers and members of school committee should be well-informed about the academic and psycho-social needs of pre-primary pupils in primary settings for effective transition, hence quality pre-primary education. The recommendation was made for further study on what goes on in pre-primary classrooms was made for further study on what goes on in pre-primary classrooms (teaching and learning process).
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark
(THS EAF LB1513.M562)
Education, Primary, Resource allocation, Tanzania, Resource sharing
Mmari, E (2008) Formalization of pre-primary education in Tanzania: Resource allocation and sharing at school level, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam