Population growth and changing Livelihoods: the Adoption on Non-Farm Activities Among Angro pastoral Communities of Nyamilama Ward in Kwimba District, Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study examined the proliferation of NFAs among agro-pastoral societies of Tanzania, drawing experiences from agro-pastoralists of Nyamilama Ward in Kwimba district. Data (collection was through interviews, questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions, and observations. The data ware analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The study revealed the propagation of NFAs among agro-pastoral societies of Tanzania with a focus on the causes, contribution, and impact of these activities to the environment and to the people at large. Rapid population growth, among other factors has led to the rise of NFAs especially agricultural deterioration and reforms. NFAs adopted among agro-pastoralists of Kwimba District (Nyamilama Ward) have been changing and evolving over time to respond to such conditions as agricultural deterioration, increased demands caused by rapid population growth and wealth of individuals towards risk minimization. However, these NFAs were constrained by low technology, lack of entrepreneurship, lack of markets and capita, and lack of supportive policies and institutions. However, other NFAs have no significant impact on the environment, especially those that are not directly linked to natural resources. It is recommended that NFAs in rural areas need to be promoted and developed primarily with financial and technological suppo11 from NGOs, the Government, and enhance entrepreneurial skills, policy and institutional framework among rural dwellers.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wirbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HB850.5.T34Y63 )
Population growth, Population, Supplementary employment, Agriculture, Nyamilama ward, Kwimba District, Tanzania
Yohana, C (2007) Population growth and changing Livelihoods: the Adoption on Non-Farm Activities Among Angro pastoral Communities of Nyamilama Ward in Kwimba District, Tanzania, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.