The disaster early warning and response mechanisms in Tanzania: the case of 2016 Kagera earthquake

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study assessed the disaster early warning and response mechanisms in Tanzania, the case being the 2016 Kagera earthquake. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the effectiveness of disaster early warnings among responsible agencies and people in the community and to establish the disaster response capacity among responsible agencies and people in the community. The study was conducted in Kagera Region. The sample of the study involved respondents. Primary data were collected through interviews and secondary data. The study adopted the Social cognitive theory, Disaster Crunch Model and the Expand Contract Model and the Disaster Release Model. The findings revealed that strengths, attributes and resources which responsible agencies for disaster management and people in the community should have are inadequate. It was also found out that disaster responsible agencies like DMD and disaster committees from regional level to village level have little capabilities in responding to disasters like earthquake in terms of fund, personnel, equipment and coping with disaster challenges. It was farther found out that people in Kagera community had little response capacities because of the lack of disaster knowledge. The study, generally recommends that DMD which is under Prime Minister’s office needs to be linked to the meteorological agency both at the national, regional and district level, and to key government or academic institutions that are stakeholders of disaster management. Depending on the disaster nature, community based monitoring mechanisms may be facilitated to monitor disaster management trend at the local level. All these should be developed and strengthened by providing support to the development of early warning indicators at the community level.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF QE538.8.T34K33)
Natural disaster warning system, Earthquake prediction, Kagera, Tanzania
Kaganda, S.H. (2017) The disaster early warning and response mechanisms in Tanzania: the case of 2016 Kagera earthquake. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.