Assessment of the status of current awareness services (CAS) provision in selected law libraries in Tanzania: a case of High Court, Attorney General’s Chamber and the Law School of Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study assessed the status of Current Awareness Services (CAS) provision in selected law libraries in Tanzania namely the High Court, Attorney General’s Chamber and the Law School of Tanzania. Specially, the study was designed to determine awareness of Current Awareness Services and to find out how the services are provided in law libraries to legal information users. The study also wanted to find out the frequency of utilization of the services abd challenges service providers face during their provision. The researcher employed a case study. Census method was applied to obtain respondents where questionnaire and interview were used as data collection methods. The data was then summarized and presented descriptively using both qualitative and quantitative methods, applying Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). The generated percentages and frequencies were applied to compare and examine the results. The study revealed that legal information users were using Current Awareness Services. Both traditional and ICT related CAS methods were used. The study observed a number of challenges such as inadequate skills in using ICT facilities, unstable internet connectivity, poor understanding of CAS, lack of time due to lawyer’s busy schedule and lack of information materials. This study concludes that; CAS is very important to keep lawyers abreast of new development in their profession. Finally, a set of recommendation were made including increasing awareness of the services, equipping users with skills on usage of the services, availability of library staff, acquisition of information materials and allocation of more funds for the effective provision of Current Awareness Services in law libraries.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF ZA3159.T34S344)
Current Awareness Services (CAS), Information services, Law libraries
Saileni, E.J. (2019). Assessment of the status of current awareness services (CAS) provision in selected law libraries in Tanzania: a case of High Court, Attorney General’s Chamber and the Law School of Tanzania. Masters dissertation. University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam