The impact of HIV/AIDS on agriculture: a case study of Maize Production in Iringa Region, Tanzania

dc.contributor.authorMboya, Jude Thaddeus Joseph
dc.descriptionAvailable in print form, University Dar es Salaam, Wilbert Chagula Class mark (THS EAF RC607.A4M36)en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was lo provide biopic information on socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS on the Tanzania agricultural sector so as to divulge to magnitude of the impacts and present a way through which the presented pandemic could be alerted. The study has used time series cross sectional data covering three districts of Iringa region, Flinging from 1985 to 2004. The empirical specification of the model of this study is derived from the methodology of human health similar to the one used by Mathew A. Cole and Eric Niemeyer. The variables that have been estimated are maize outputs modelled as dependent variable against capital; HIV/AIDS infected labour, labour, cultivated land and climatic conditions. The study revealed that, HIV/AIDS has had a negative impact on agriculture depending on the time period. In the early years, the magnitude of the negative impact on agriculture was small and unnoticeable. From the year 1994 to 2004, HIV/AIDS has become a threat to agricultural production. The Tanzania National policy on HIV/AIDS, request all the stakeholders to create and sustain an increased awareness of HIV/;AIDS to the rural areas through targeted advocacy, Information Education: and Communication for Behaviour Change. The government should include HIV/AIDS element in the plans of every sector .en_US
dc.identifier.citationMboya, J.T.J(2005)The impact of HIV/AIDS on agriculture: a case study of Maize Production in Iringa Region, Tanzania, Master Dissertation, University of Dar es salaamen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectHIV (viruses),en_US
dc.subjectAids (Disease)en_US
dc.subjectHIV/AIDS effectsen_US
dc.titleThe impact of HIV/AIDS on agriculture: a case study of Maize Production in Iringa Region, Tanzaniaen_US