Factors affecting the effectiveness of the performance appraisal in public sector in Tanzania: The case study of surface and Marine transport regulatory Authority.
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University of Dar es Salaam
The purpose of this study is to investigate and identify the factors affecting the effectiveness of performance appraisal in public Sector. The analysis based on a sample of 39 respondents includes the leaders (Directors, Assistant directors had heads of Departments) and another category is the non-leaders (Ordinary employees) and had been obtained through simple random, stratified sampling and purposive sampling procedure. The research employed qualitative and quantitative approach interview and questionnaire methods were used to collect data, where both primary and secondary data were used to collect data were both primary and secondary data were analyzed and presented using SPSS program. The study revealed that performance Appraisal Function at SUMATRA was less effective due to lack of understanding about the appraisal system, lack of participation in the performance interview, ineffective performance feedback, Lack of understanding about OPRAS. It has therefore, managed effectively and efficiently by conducting training to its employees regarding the OPRAS system. It recommend that the research with similar title could also be carried in other Public Service Institutions so that a comparative study can be carried out and enhancing collective efforts in making the practice known and acceptable for better work performance.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF .5.R3T34M78)
Performance appraisal of employees, Public sector, Surface and marine transport regulatory authority, Tanzania
Msuya, R. D. (2010). Factors affecting the effectiveness of the performance appraisal in public sector in Tanzania: The case study of surface and Marine transport regulatory Authority. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.