The role of ICTs in disseminating information on occurrences of wildfire to reduce fire hazards in Uluguru mountains nature reserve-Morogoro

dc.contributor.authorMabula, Donasian Malemva
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study investigated the role of ICTs in disseminating wildfire information in order to reduce wildfire hazards in the Uluguru Mountains. The research problem was on the ways of communicating appropriate information on the presence of wildfire with the help of ICTs whenever it occurs during dry seasons in remote areas of the mountains. The study was conducted in Mvuha, Kinole and Nyandira (Chenzema) villages all found in Morogoro and Mvomero districts. The study employed a descriptive survey method and purposive and random sampling techniques to select a sample of 23 key informants and 90 Villagers from the three villages that were purposively selected. Questionnaire, focus group discussion, interview with key informants and observation were tools used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Data were analyzed through SPSS version 18 and results were presented in tables, percentages, figures and charts. The finding show that the communities living around Uluguru Mountains Nature reserve own and use Radios, Mobile phones, Television sets, loudspeakers and GPS receiver. Satellites and internet also operate in the Uluguru Mountains in detecting and disseminating wildfire information, but these ICTs are not fully beneficial to the community especially the youth who do not even know forest by-laws and have inadequate knowledge of the effects of wildfire. Also degree of wildfires occurrences are of average in Uluguru Mountains and more wildfire incidences were reported in unreserved forests. The Study recommends that the role of ICTs in detecting and disseminating wildfire be included in the National forest policy. The Government and NGOs should support ICT infrastructure. Also seminar on forest protection and awareness of by-laws should be conducted from time to time using modem technology of cinemas and videos so as to bridge the gap between the youth and elders in wildfire knowledge and by-laws.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMabula, D. M. (2013) The role of ICTs in disseminating information on occurrences of wildfire to reduce fire hazards in Uluguru mountains nature reserve-Morogoro, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectSelective dissemination of informationen_US
dc.subjectInformation technologyen_US
dc.subjectFire hazardsen_US
dc.subjectUluguru Mountains Nature Reserveen_US
dc.titleThe role of ICTs in disseminating information on occurrences of wildfire to reduce fire hazards in Uluguru mountains nature reserve-Morogoroen_US