Assessment of inventory management on company performance in Tanzania: a case of beverage companies

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University of Dar es Salaam
The purpose of this study was to assess the role of inventory management on performance of beverage companies in Tanzania. The study used inferential analysis with Pearson’s correlation and regressions to measure influence of four independent variables namely cost reduction, supply/ demand, and lead time and customer satisfaction on the dependent variable, company performance. Data were collected from 100 respondents using questionnaire and in-depth interview data collection methods. The overall cronbach alpha value for all constructs was 0.909. it assured internal consistence of data and thus, guaranteed the researcher for further field data. Results from the study revealed that customer satisfaction, cost reduction, supply/ demand, lead time and customer satisfaction indicated that inventory management practices were high among the beverage companies under study. On the other hand supply/ demand, lead time and customer satisfaction have a significant relationship with beverage companies’ performance. There was however, so significant relationship between cost reduction and companies’ performance. The results have implication to business management, especially in industries as they stress emphasis on process orientation above everything for excellent performance. The study recommends that these factors be given a closer consideration during managerial profit planning processes since they have significant effects on company performance, especially customer satisfaction had the largest effect on company performance.
Available in print form, EAF Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF HD40T34M34)
Inventory management, Beverage industry, Tanzania
Makambi, D.M (2016) Assessment of inventory management on company performance in Tanzania: a case of beverage companies, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam