Assessment of the implementation of competence-based english language teaching and learning in advanced secondary schools: a case of Morogoro Municipality
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study investigates the implementation of competence-based teaching and learning of English language in advanced secondary schools in Tanzania; the case of Morogoro Municipality. The task was done following the outcry of educational stakeholders that, English language school leaves in Tanzania lack language proficiency regardless of the introduction of the CBETL in Tanzania schools. The main objectives of the study were first, to examine teachers’ understanding of the Competence Based English Language Teaching (CBELT); second to examine how English language teachers teach reflecting the competence-based English language teaching techniques (CBELTT); third, To examine the use of competence based English language assessment tools and procedures (CBELAT) in advanced level English Language teaching and learning; fourth, to assess the implications of the implementation of CBELT on English language learning. The study has mainly adopted a qualitative research methodology with a case study research design. The data used in this study have been collected using interviews, direct classroom observations, focused group discussions and documentary review techniques. In the interviews, the main informants were subject teachers, academic-masters/ academic-mistresses, heads of school and the district educational officer. FGDs collected data from the students. The sample size comprised of 109 informants explicitly, 60 students, 36 subject teachers, 6 academic-masters/ academic-mistresses, 6 heads of school and 1 District Educational Officer. The findings revealed that majority of subject teachers expressed diverse views on the knowledge of competence based English language teaching and learning. It was revealed that teachers have low understanding of CBELT. There is also insufficient implementation of CBELT in the classrooms. The findings further revealed that majority of teachers relied on non-participatory techniques mainly lectures and chalk-talk techniques despite the introduction of CBTL of English language in schools. Also the findings revealed the most used assessment tools and procedures were written tests and examinations whereas, oral tests, projects and individual assignments were ignored. The findings revealed a mismatch between the intended curriculum (CBC) and the implemented curriculum CBETL-competence based English language teaching and learning. The study recommends effective pre- service and in-service training be conducted to orient teachers with knowledge and skills on implementation of competence-based curriculum. English language teachers should revisit various literatures on how to effectively implement the CBC in English language teaching and learning. Again, English language teachers should use appropriate assessment tools aligned to the intended language competences. Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) should ensure that all relevant supportive teaching and learning resources such as teachers’ guide and teachers’ manual are available to guide teachers on how to teach reflecting the CBELT requirements. it is also suggested further studies to be conducted on assessing the reasons that lead advanced level English language teachers not effectively use the CBELTT and CBELAT that encourage students’ oral and aural-oral language competences.
: Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB1631.T34K52)
English language, Study and teaching (Secondary), Secondary schools, Morogoro municipality, Tanzania
Kideli, M. J. (2015).Assessment of the implementation of competence-based english language teaching and learning in advanced secondary schools: a case of Morogoro Municipality, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.