Assessement of using opras as applied to teachers’ work in temeke municipality in Dar es salaam
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University of Dar es Salaam,
The study assesses the uses of OPRAS as applied to teachers’ work in Temeke Municipality in Dar es Salaam. The specific objective of the study include, assess the performance of OPRAS as applied to teachers’ work, find out the uses of OPRAS in decision making to teachers’ work and explore the challenges of using OPRAS to teachers’ work. The study employed qualitative research approach using single embedded case study design. A total of 55 participants sampled from six schools that constituted a Municipal primary education officer (MPED), Municipal academic officer, Teacher Service Department (TSD) Secretary, Ward education officers, six head of schools and 42 teachers were used. The participants were sampled using purposive and stratified random sampling techniques. Data were collected through focus group discussion, interviews and documentary review and analyzed through content analysis. The findings revealed the following: Firstly, OPRAS is not important to teachers work due to low level of understanding on how to use OPRAS which is contributed with lack of adequate training, shortage of financial recourses, and shortage of teaching and learning materials and lack of OPRAS feedback evaluation. Secondly, OPRAS feedback evaluation forms do not enhance teachers work performance since information included do not contribute anything in decision making such as promotion, demotion and salary increment which is contrary to OPRAS guidelines that OPRAS feedback evaluation be used in reaching important decisions to the employees. Thirdly, findings indicated that OPRAS is used more theoretically than practically due to presence of shortage of knowledge on using OPRAS, little or no feedback of OPRAS evaluation, shortage of financial resources for conducting training and supply of teaching and learning materials, presence of biases of head teachers in appraising process and presence of disagreement between head teacher and teacher on grading are the challenges facing teachers on using OPRAS in their working performance. The study concluded that teachers and administrators of public primary schools do not have enough knowledge on how to use OPRAS in their working performance due to lacking of training. Therefore local government authority, education officers and policy makers should provide training to both teachers and their supervisors on how to use OPRAS in their working performance; similarly public primary teachers have poor knowledge of using OPRAS in their working performance. OPRAS can have good outcome if teachers have right knowledge of using OPRAS in their working performance. Therefore it’s important for local government authority, education officers, policy makers and school administrators to provide seminars, workshop and other trainings to teachers on using OPRAS in their work, Finally, OPRAS feedback evaluation is not used for making important decision like promotion, rewards, demotions and salary increment. Evaluation feedback normally motivates teachers to perform their work by knowing strengths and weakness of what he or she performs. So in order to encourage teachers to see the importance of using OPRAS when they are working, local government authorities involving TSD department should use OPRAS feedback in making decision like promotion, rewards and salary increment to teachers’ performance.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB2838.T34M78 )
Teachers, Rating of, Temeke Municipality, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Msuya, D L (2017) Assessement of using opras as applied to teachers’ work in temeke municipality in Dar es salaam, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam