Barriers to implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) strategies in tourist hotels in Dar es salaam
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study aimed at identify implementation barriers to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Strategies in the tourism hotel industry in Tanzanian by focusing on tourist hotels based in Dar-es-Salaam. Specifically, the study identified CRM strategies used by tourist hotels by focusing on challenges facing tourist hotels in implementing CRM strategies and find out how tourist hotels overcome such challenges. Achieving the full potential of CRM is the major objective of each hotel in Tanzania because it helps hotels to improve profitability, reduce advertising costs, gain competitive advantage and retain more customers. The study used questionnaires, in-depth interviews and secondary sources of data. Where possible observation method was also used to verify some views expressed by interviewees. Research findings reveled that CRM strategies include advertising, promotion, direct marketing, international agents, publicity, word of mouth, events and access to Information and Communication Technology.
CRM barriers in tourist hotels include ignorance of CRM and lack of CRM training to members of staff, no budget allocation for training and weak leadership. The Results yielded implications to knowledge, policy and management practices. It is recommended that tourist hotels should allocate more funds for training their staff members on the benefits of CRM and start using CRM as part of their marketing strategies. Also, tourist hotels should invest in CRM software (an ICT component) that will enable them capture details of their customers and use such information to make sure that customers’ needs and expectations are met as a customer retention strategy.
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Customer relations, Tourist Hotels, Tourism Industry, Dar es Salaam, Management, Tanzania
Tuli, C. A. (2011) Barriers to implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) strategies in tourist hotels in Dar es salaam. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at