An analysis of strategic planning process for small and medium enterprises in Tanzania: a case of Small and Medium Enterprises in Dar es Salaam Tanzania

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University of Dar es Slaam
The aim of the study was to analyze how the strategic planning process was done in Tanzanian SMEs. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam region in Tanzania. Empirical studies showed different models in strategic planning process. The study involved five SMEs in service industry. Two of these companies deal with microfinance services and the rest of the companies deal with shipping agency services. The study used qualitative approach to analyze the case study for the five companies. The study showed the strategic planning activities which includes environmental assessments; formulation of strategy which comprises vision and mission statements, core values, short term and long term objectives of the company and strategic choices; Implementation strategy and Control and evaluation.The study revealed that the majority of SMEs under this research did strategic planning process. However one of the companies was against strategic planning for SMEs although the owner of this company is aware of the strategic planning process and the benefits derived from it. He argued that strategic planning process is for big companies, small companies need emergent strategies only. Also the findings revealed that among the problems hindering the SMEs in adhering to strategic planning process are lack of information; lack of experienced staff and required skills; external factors such as government interventions; lack of financial services and time constraints. This study has recommended the government to formulate SMEs Act which will empower them in increasing their access to finance, participating in government and big tenders. Also the study has recommended to the CEOs and Managers of SMEs in ensuring that they employ few staff with required skills to the business and pay them well.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library
Small and medium enterprises, Small business, Strategic planing, Tanzania
Bruno, D. S. (2014) An analysis of strategic planning process for small and medium enterprises in Tanzania: a case of Small and Medium Enterprises in Dar es Salaam Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.