Foctors For Missed Appointments At Hiv/Aids Care And Treatment Clinics; Service Providers And Peer Educators Perspectives In Ilala Municipality

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study explored device providers and peer educators perspectives about the factors contributing to missed appointment among enrolled PLHIV at HIV/AIDS CTCs Specifically the study explored health system factors, community factors and individual clients factors contributing to missed appointments among PLHIV at HIV/AIDS CTCs Methodology; A case study design was adopted in the course of conducting this study.Additionary a qualitative approach was involved where qualitative data was collected through interviews with service provides (medical doctors and nurse counsellors) and peer educators from Amana, Buguruni and mnazi mmoja CTCs, qualitative data was collected and analysed through theme content analysis technique where the same presented in accordance to the specific objectives of the study. Findings revealed that long waiting times, inadequate staff, stigma from staff members and lack of patient care were the health system factors leading to missed appointment. Additionally, transport challenges, stigma by community member and engagement in business activities were found to be community factors while, self-stigma, sickness, lack of permission from male partners, and forgetfulness of HIV patients were found to be individual client factors contributing to missed appointments in care and treatment clinics among enrolled HIV/AIDS patients. The study recommends that the government through its health system, the community and individual clients should address the identified factors that contributed to missed appointments among PLHIV to CTCS in order to reduce antiretroviral drugs resistance and AIDS related deaths.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF RA440.5.T34P427)
Health education, , HIV/AIDS, Ilala municipality, Tanzania
Praise ,B (2019) Foctors For Missed Appointments At Hiv/Aids Care And Treatment Clinics; Service Providers And Peer Educators Perspectives In Ilala Municipality,Masters dissertation,University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.